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  • Writer's pictureJenna Knight

Turning Pinterest Into Profit: How to Utilize Pinterest to Boost Your Business

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

It’s been over a decade since the creative, imaginative, artful platform called Pinterest was launched - which means it’s beyond time to dive head first into how to use the beloved platform, Pinterest, to grow your business!

You are probably used to using Pinterest for things like finding a favorite crockpot recipe or decorating your kid’s room on a dime, but did you know that 85% of Pinterest users actually make a purchase from the site? Shocking, right?! It just goes to show that Pinterest can help grow your business as well. We are here to tell you all the secrets behind the shiny red platform and how to use it to make more money.

We’re going to start by telling you that Pinterest isn’t a one-size-fits-all platform, so depending on what your goals are, your strategy might differ from the next person’s. With 463 million monthly users, we’ll help you find your niche. So buckle up, here are our top tips and tricks you can implement to start earning money and increasing traffic to your website asap. Let’s get into it!

Using Pinterest to Increase Lead Generation (which should result in sales)!

Let us give it to you straight - there is more to the platform than pinning inspirational designs, your next workout, or funny memes (although, those aspects to the platform are fun). Let’s start thinking about Pinterest as a tool and less as a social media platform. One of the best and easiest ways you can use Pinterest as a tool is to increase your lead generation. Lead generation looks slightly different for every business, but the end result is the same: you are identifying potential customers and sparking interest in them to gain a future sale.

In order to get leads, you need to figure out where the leads/traffic are coming from. If you are finding that your website’s traffic is on a downward trend, or you’re not sure where to find the people and the eyeballs in the first place…Pinterest might just be the answer. While your target audience is already scrolling Pinterest for their next bedroom renovation idea, they could be finding YOUR WEBSITE. It’s the power of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right visuals/content - and we will help you get there.

So, how do you find that audience on Pinterest, and better yet, how do you pull them in?! You need appealing content. The type of information people want to read/hear/see, like a how-to guide, a quiz that will help them on whatever journey you/they are on. Once you decide what that piece of content is, you must then use show-stopping imagery to promote that content. You may even want to invest in photography for your business that will pop and stand out from the rest of the Pinterest feed. We share these tips and so much more in our Pinterest Guide: Guide for Becoming Pinterest Savvy for Your Business.

Let Pinterest Be One of Your Marketing Tools

Lead generation feels too complicated? We bet marketing is more within your wheelhouse. Another way to use Pinterest is as an amplification tool for your business – think maximizing the reach of your posts and/or marketing campaigns. The more regularly you post your content on Pinterest, the more likely you are to get eyeballs on your marketing efforts.

Pinterest is like anything in life - it’s what you make of it! There are many ways you can capitalize on the trends on Pinterest to benefit your business, but how you do it is up to you. You can try curating content (i.e. using memes and other trendy things to increase your followers) to get people to your profile or website. As a second step in the journey, you can create beautiful boards of categorized photos to show your breadth and depth of knowledge in your space. Lastly, you must make sure to tie everything back to your business, so your efforts are not in vain. The ultimate goal is for people to engage in your content and get to your website (eventually to make a purchase). You can do this with a link to the website, a backlink to a blog on your site, or a product on your product page. Don’t be afraid to get specific in the way you link back to your business.

Quick Tip: Recipes are one of the most frequent searches on Pinterest (not surprising). So, if recipes make sense for your business in any way, this is a great place to showcase those and link it back to your website!

A Pinterest Guide For YOU

Now that you’ve seen some of our tips and tricks for how to use Pinterest to grow your business, we want to offer you so much more. We’ve only just scratched the surface of exactly how to use the platform to make you money. We are creating a step-by-step guide just for you, it’s free and guaranteed to leave you feeling motivated and ready with key next steps in hand on how to grow your business with Pinterest! Make sure to watch for updates about this free guide to monetizing Pinterest.

Are you craving even more about the world of Pinterest? We are putting together a webinar to help you break it down step by step and walk away with 1-2 pieces of content, catchy titles and phrases that will help with search engine optimization, and more.

Pinterest is just one piece of the marketing puzzle that could help drive traffic, leads, and eventually sales. Remember that 85% of users who purchased something on Pinterest from the beginning of this article?! Let us help you put all the marketing pieces together for your business! Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to


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